Multiple Quantity Estimates Follow
The Multiple Qtys (Multiple quantities) tab allows users to compare up to six quantities of a single estimate for a customer, in order to provide a look at where possible price breaks are.
Once the estimate has been created, the user can list up to five additional quantities to compare.
The fields and functionality of the Multiple Quantity's tab are:
- Quantities: The expected quantity of the estimate will display in the first row, and the user can enter up to five additional quantities.
- Pricing: The total price for the selected quantity of just the services on the estimate (Note: does not include postage or taxes)
- Job Comments: Comments field that will be used for a free-form description or job summary, which will be shown at the top of the summarized multiple quantity estimate report.
- Update Pricing: Once you have entered the quantities you want to compare, click on the Update Pricing button to have the Pricing calculate and populate for each of the additional quantities.
- Edit: This option allows a user to edit the quantity details for the selected quantity. See Screenshot Below
- Delete: Lets a user delete the selected quantity
- Export: This link allows a user to export the selected quantity to a new Order
- Export to Order Version: This lets a user choose what job to create a new version in using the current estimate.
Screenshot of the Multi Qty tab in Estimates
Viewing Multiple Quantity Estimate Reports
The multiple quantity estimate report outlines the price for services, postage, and tax for each of the quantities on the estimate. It also includes the comment from the tab as a simple project summary displayed below the number rows.