Images on inventory – jpg vs PDF Follow
Recommended file type when adding images to inventory
Midnight allows you to upload inventory images which then print on Skid Flags and Work Orders, thus enabling the team to minimize running a job using the wrong material. Images can be uploaded quickly and easily using the inventory app and you may also attach items to an inventory item directly in Midnight.
When an image file is attached to an item, the image can display on reports, but if the file is a PDF, know that while a PDF file can be uploaded, the image of the item will not print as only image files can be accurately rendered.
If you notice that you are not seeing images displaying on your Skid flags, verify that the file that is attached is an actual image file, such as a file with a .jpg extension. Also, if only PDF files are supplied, you can use programs on your computer to convert them to an image file so you can make use of those images and thus help the team.
Outside of viewing reports, you can also view the image of a given inventory item in the warehouse module. If you would like to do this, click on Warehouse tab of Midnight using the system navigation. On the Item Search screen, search for and select the item you wish to review. When the Item Screen opens, there is a View button (in green) that will allow you to view the image associated to an item.
The image itself can be changed either by uploading a new image file (using the Choose File button) or by using the options within the inventory app. Know that if you use the inventory app, the images will automatically be uploaded in the desired file type, thus saving you time and energy.