How to update an on-hand balance for an inventory item
Whether after completing a physical inventory or doing a spot check, you may discover that the quantity of items in a location does not match your Midnight record. While you can always add or subtract a quantity for an inventory item to update the balance, there is an adjustment option within the warehouse module that allows you to easily correct the balance and maintain a clean trail the quantity changes.
Once you know the correct quantity of an item in a given location, you are ready to update that value. To perform an adjustment of the on hand balance for an inventory item, locate that item within the warehouse tab of Midnight.
After you select the item, you have access to the information specific to that item. Near the top-right of the Item screen, click the Adjustment Inventory button.
On this screen, enter the correct quantity of the item and then in the location field, enter the location that has that quantity. (If you use Lot Tracking, be sure to select the appropriate lot.) Note that the section on the right displays the current on-hand balances for each location the item exists in Midnight (prior to your change).
For the adjustment type, select the appropriate option from your Reason Codes. You may enter an additional comment as desired. Click Save & Close.
The system will show a pop up, asking you to verify and confirm the change. Click OK.
The current on hand balance will update with the change.
If you need to set up Reason Codes, you may do so by accessing Admin by clicking the gear in the top-right hand corner of Midnight. Select Reason Codes in the Admin Lists. Existing Codes may be edited at each item level and new codes can be added using the bottom line.