Machines Follow
The Machine setup screen is where you will enter all of the machines or resources in your shop. You can enter any of your presses, mailing or binding equipment, and even handwork areas as machines that can be occupied when an operator is performing a task.
To add a new machine into the system, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter the needed information.
The fields to enter here are:
- Code: The short code for identifying the Machine.
- Name: The longer code for identifying the Machine.
- Description: A description of the Machine.
- Run Rate: The speed the machine runs at, in units per hour.
- Start Time: The beginning time for the machine to start in the schedule.
- Stop Time: The time the machine ends in the schedule.
- Active: Checkbox for whether the machine is active or valid.
Machine Departments
The machine department screen is where users will set up general categories for machines. The categories can include machines that you might alternatively schedule work on, like different digital presses, multiple inserters or addressing systems. Once you have set up the departments, you will be able to attach machines to them and them to services.
The required fields are:
- Department: The name of the Department to place machines in.
- Start/Stop Time: What time the department starts and stops as a whole.
- Active: Check for whether the department is active or not.
Clicking the Plus button at the far left of the column allows users to view all machines, and the start and stop times for those respective machines in a chart. Selecting the add machines button on the right side of each department row allows users to add individual machines to a department.