Temp Helper Wage Rate Follow
How to set up the wage rate for temporary employee helpers used in Shop Floor
Midnight allows you to account for temporary helpers within shop floor data collection without you having to manually have each person job in and out separately. For these job costing records, the system does not require the employees to be set up which means the individual wage rates are not used.
To enter a default wage rate that will be used for all temporary helpers, go to Admin by clicking the gear in the top-right hand corner of Midnight.
When Admin opens, click on Global Settings (within the Admin Lists) and then click System within the Global Settings screen.
The Shopfloor Temp Hourly Rate field is where you may enter the wage rate you wish to use for each temporary helper added to a record in Shop Floor.
This rate should be the burdened labor rates so that it reflects the cost you need added to your job costing records.