Add Payment Account to all Customers Follow
How to quickly add a payment account to all customers
Whether you are starting to use the payments module in midnight or are adding new clients where you plan to manage postage payments, a payment account is required to be set up on the client so that the system knows how to record the money. If you have a primary account set up and don’t wish to manually add the accounts one-by-one to your customers, you have the ability to add an account to all clients with just a few clicks.
To populate a payment account to all customers, go to Admin by clicking the gear in the top-right hand corner of the screen. Within the Edit Lists (on the left), click Global Settings. Locate the CRM tab (scroll to the right within the blue menu at the top).
Select the payment account you wish to add to your customers in the “Add default payment account to all customers” drop-down. Click Update.
The process will run and you will receive a pop up letting you know it is done. It may take a few moments. During the process, the system will add the account to each of your customers. Click OK on the pop up message.
Click the green Save button (on the top-right). Click OK. You may now proceed to other tasks.