WF Product Type (Wide Format Templates) Follow
The Wide Format Product Type, or WF Product Type menu is located in the admin section of midnight, under the Print section. Clicking on the WF Product Type tab displays a list of all wide format product types in the system.
To add more Wide format product types, select the Quicklinks Menu, and then either the AWF (Advanced Wide Format) or SWF (Simple Wide Format) product type link.
AWF Product types
The AWF product types screen contains various tabs to add an Advanced Wide Format product.
Printer Details
- Print Size: The finished size of the printed product.
- Sides: How much sides the Printer will print on.
- Printer: Which printer from the system to use.
- Min$: The minimum charge for the product.
- Setup $: The cost to setup the printer.
- $ Sq/Ft: How much it costs per square foot of printing.
- Hourly Rate: How much it costs per hour to run the printer.
- Margin: The left and right margin of the paper.
- Quality: The quality setting for the printer.
- Ink $ Sq/Ft: The ink cost per square foot printed.
- Sq/Ft/hour: How much square feet per hour the printer runs at.
- Coverage: What percentage of the paper will be used.
- Markup: The percentage to markup by
- Waste%: The percentage wasted.
- Price/Sqft Override: An option on whether or not to override the default Price per square foot value.
- Price/Sqft: If the previous option is checked, this is the manually entered Price/Sqft value.
Material Roll Details
- Material: The material the material roll uses.
- Waste %: What percentage of wasted material to take into account.
- Roll Width: The width of the roll that the printer uses.
- Cost Sq/Ft: How much the Material costs per square foot.
- # UP: How many can fit on the material.
- Lamination: Which lamination to use on the job.
- Waste %: How much of the Lamination will be wasted.
- Roll Width: The Width of the Roll in Inches.
- Cost Sq/Ft: How much the Lamination costs per square foot.
- Mount On: What Material to mount the print on.
- Waste %: How much of the mounting material will be wasted.
- Use whole sheet: A check mark on whether to use the entire sheet or not.
- Sheet Size: The dimensions of the sheet used.
- Cost Sq/Ft: How much the roll costs per square foot.
- # Up: How many prints will fit on the material.
Additional services
The additional services tab contains a field to add additional services that the printer performs.
The fields in this screen are:
- Service: The name of the service.
- Description: A description for the service.
- Unit:What metric to charge for the service.
- Quantity: The quantity of the additional service.
- Unit Price: The unit price for the service.
- Ext. Price: The extended price (Quantity X Unit Price).
The volume pricing tab allows you to configure volume discounts for the printer.
The tabs in this section are:
- Quantity: The minimum amount of items for the discount to apply to.
- Discount: The percent discount amount.
- Rate: Define the unit price for the Quantity range.
SWF Product types
- Products: The name of the product.
- Description: A description of the product.
- Width: The width of the Printed Product.
- Length: The length of the Printed Product.
- Material: The material the Product will use
- Laminate: What material to Laminate the product width.
- $/SqFt: How much to charge per square foot of the product.
- Round Total: Whether to round the total amount up to the nearest dollar.
Additional Services
- Service: The name of the Service.
- Description: A description of the service.
- Unit: What metric to charge for the service.
- Quantity: How much of the service.
- Unit Price: How much each unit of the Service costs.
- Ext. Price: The extended price of the service (Quantity X Unit Price).