Security and Permissions Follow
Security is an important aspect of setting up your software. This is where you control which areas of the program users can access. Security privileges are activated when a user logs into the program. When setting up Employees you can specify a user’s security role on the ‘User Logon and permissions’ tab of the Employee screen.
Note that all of the main security levels have already been pre-established in Midnight. You can also add additional security roles if you wish. The easiest way to setup security is to assign each of your employee users to one of the pre-defined roles and then edit the role rights to suit your need. User roles are assigned in the Employee screen. Note that a user can only be assigned to one role. Role rights can be edited from the Admin Settings->Security->RoleRights right screen.
Security and permissions are primarily done through the "Security" and the "Employees" Screen
Accessing the Security and Employee Screen
Clicking the "Admin Settings" Icon takes you to the settings screen where you can access all of Midnight's Administrator Features. In this section we will cover the "Employees" Tab and the "Security" tabs.
Employees Tab
The employees tab contains a list of all your Employees. In this section we will demonstrate how to create a new employee and edit their permissions. You can edit permissions of employees at anytime using the "Employees" tab in the Admin Settings menu.
First click the "New Employee" button in the Employees screen.
Now enter the required data for the new Employee. In this demonstration we are using the name "John Smith"
Due to John being a Salesman, we are giving him the "Sales" role. You can change the roles of employees at anytime by clicking on their name in the Employees screen, and re-assigning their roles on the "Roles" tab.
Now we will add the widgets John Smith can access. We will be skipping "Quick Links Report" and "Job Tracking" in this section due to its little relevance to Midnight Security. Thus section controls which Modules employees can access.
Finally we will set the User Login and Permissions for John Smith. As with the earlier features you can edit this at any time with existing employees. With this menu Administrators can change the Username or Passwords of employees, in addition to the security role the employee has.
With all these done we have now made John Smith an Employee.
Security tab
The security tab has two parts, "Create Role" and "Create RoleRight".
Create Role: Allows you to create new Roles.
Create RoleRight: Allows you to edit the rights roles have.
Create Role screen. To create new roles type in the Grey bar at the bottom the name you want the new role to have. When you have typed the desired name of the new role press the save button at the rightmost side of the grey bar.
Editing Role Rights: In the "Create RoleRight" Screen you can edit the permissions roles have.. By
limited access, we mean that within a single screen or form, you can dictate individual fields and controls a user role can see or use. To change the role permissions select one of the three security levels. and then check or uncheck the abilities the role will have on the modules. For example the Account Rep needs to be able to see the DJB and the Payments module, but does not need to see the Admin and CRM module. You can also go more in depth with permissions by selecting the "Page" and "Field/Control" section of the Security Level.