Employee information Follow
Employee Information
Employees can be set up and maintained in the Admin section of Midnight. To get to the Employee section of Midnight, click the gear icon, and select Employees from the list on the left.
Adding new employees
To enter the new employee creation screen, select the new employee button in the employee menu.
The employee entry screen allows you to specify contact information, roles, dashboard widgets, job cost parameters, user logins and security role for each of your employees. It is also possible to access the New Employee menu through a quick-link as well.
This image shows the Employee screen where you can enter basic information.
Roles Tab
The Roles tab allows you to specify which areas of the system a given user will be displayed in various lists. Select all that apply. Note that this tab is different than the ‘Security Roles’ list, which is located on the Full system user login tab.
The Roles are:
- CSR – Customers, Orders and Estimates
- DP – Data Processing Initials fields
- POs – Purchase Orders
- Sales – Customers, Orders and Estimates
- Warehouse – Inventory Receipts
Use this section to specify which widgets to show on the user’s home screen. The Dashboard in Midnight is a powerful tool and each of the data widgets enable users to see important information that is relevant to their job so they can easily take action from the home screen.
Job Tracking
Data entered in this section will be used for the job-costing module in Midnight. For companies using our Shop Floor Data Collection or Kiosk modules, consult the respective Midnight User’s Guides for full information on fields related to these systems.
If you are not using one of the automated job costing modules for Midnight, all you need to enter in this screen is the Wage Rate for the employee. The Burden Rate field can also be used to include overhead costs for each hour of production time captured in the job costing system.
User Login
The final section of the Employee screen is the User Login section, where you can assign the
employee a login and password for Midnight, and assign them to a proper security role. Once the required information has been entered, press the Save & Close button to save your changes, and exit the menu.
Searching for Employees
When you need to make a change to an employee record that has already been added to the system, you will need to use the Employee Search Screen. When you click on Employee from the Admin Settings list, you will see the Employee Search screen
There are Seven fields across the top of the search screen that can be used to filter down your results list. Using these fields you can filter the list of employees. The fields include:
- Employee name
- Title
- Department
- Employee #
- Supervisor
- Hire date
- Active
Example of searching using the columns.
Disabling employee accounts
To disable a users account, click the active check mark below the employee number on the right hand side of the employee menu.
Once you select the Save & Close button, the user of that account will not be able to sign into midnight until you make the account active again.