CRM Customer Tabs Follow
The data for each customer is broken into several different areas, grouped under tabs within Midnight.
Click on a tab to view/edit all of the information within the tab. The data is sorted to help CSR's complete their daily tasks and be able to access other needed information about the client they are working with.
The Details tab includes some additional information about the customer, including several default values that, if set up, will default into new estimates and orders for that customer record.
The fields in this tab include:
- Source: choose a source from the list
- CSR: Initials of the customer service representative.
- Account Status: Indicate the current status (Good Standing, Overdue, etc.) here.
- #Of Employees: How much employees the company has.
- Customer Type: Used to indicated whether this is a Customer, Prospect, or other defined type.
- Sales Rep: The initials of the sales representative.
- Alternate Code: Enter an alternate customer code here.
- Parent Company: If the customer is a subsidiary, you can indicate the parent company here.
- Industry: select industry from the list.
- Alternate Code: Enter an alternate customer code here.
Account warning: The account warning is a warning alert that can be activated for any customer. When a new estimate or order is added for the customer, this account warning will pop up to notify the user.
The fields on the account warning are:
- Active: Flag to indicate the account warning message is active for this customer.
- Warning Message: Enter the message you want to pop up when new records are added for the
Tax Detail: This section provides fields to set up the default tax status and codes for the customer.
The fields include:
- Taxable: Indicates whether this Customer is Taxable.
- Tax Jurisdiction: Utilized to set different tax rates for customers on taxable services. If you do not have Tax Jurisdictions set up at the customer level, the customer will receive rate set in the default tax jurisdiction for any taxable services.
- Tax Exemption: Utilized to set services that are exempt from all or part of the tax jurisdiction set up in the previous field.
To save the information you entered on this screen, click the Save or Save & Close buttons in the upper right of the screen.
Midnight provides you with the ability to enter a different Bill-To and Ship-To address for each customer. These addresses will be utilized for invoicing and for shipping residual inventory. Midnight defaults these addresses to the main address entered for the Customer on the General tab; you can change these if there are different Billing and Shipping addresses for the customer. Note that these fields can not be
left blank.
The fields on this screen are:
Shipping address
Contact: Main point of Contact at the company.
Company Name: The name of the company.
Address 1,2,3: Different address's the company may have.
City, ST/Prov, Zip/Postal: The city the Company is in, the State it is in, and the Zip or postal code of the Company.
Country: The country the company is located in.
Ship Via: The default method for shipping items.
Billing Address
The fields here work the same as in the shipping address menu.
The notes tab is used for writing notes about the Customer. The free-form space allows you to
write general notes or comments pertaining to a customer.
The contacts tab is where you can view and add contacts. Contacts are who you will mainly be talking to at the Company.
Clicking on a contacts name brings up more information about them. The Deactivate button hides the contact from the active list, but you can reactivate them by un-checking the "Display active contacts only" checkbox, and clicking the Activate button on the contact that you want to make active again.
Add Contact
The Add contact button takes you to a new screen where you can enter information for a new contact at the Company.
Because many of these fields have been covered previously, we will cover ones that haven't been covered in this section yet.
Salutation: Whatever you use to address this contact, like Mr, Ms, etc.
Title: Their title at the company, Such as general manager, President, Sales, and more.
Suffix: A suffix to be placed after the contacts name, such as Jr. or Sr.
Contact type: What department the contact is in, for example Billing, Shipping, or Sales Rep.
Midnight provides you with the ability to set up Customer Specific pricing for each of your customers. The Customer Specific pricing can be set up one of 2 ways:
- As a specific per unit price
- As a percentage discount off the calculated price
These two types of customer specific pricing provide you with the ability to discount a service, lock-in a long term price for a service, or you can use the rate per unit price to increase the rate for certain customers, specifically if their jobs are more complex. You can also set a customer specific minimum on any service.
Customer specific prices need to be set up for each service in Midnight on which you want to provide customer specific pricing.
With Midnight pricing, there are both volume discounts and wizards that are utilized to calculate pricing and run-rates. The % discount is taken off of the calculated price after the volume discount and wizard pricing is calculated. The rate per unit price overrides the volume discount and wizard generated price. In either case, whether a % discount or rate per unit is set up, the minimum price will always take effect, so that a Customer cannot receive a price below the minimum extended price for a service.
The fields on this screen are:
- Service Name: Select the name of the Service to provide customer specific pricing on.
- Service Base: Base price of the service, it shows the rate per unit. This field is for display only because it pulls from the Administration setup.
- Service Minimum Price: The minimum extended price of the service, if it is applicable.
- Rate: Enter a customer specific price per unit.
- Discount: Enter the customer specific discount.
- Minimum Price: Enter a specific customer minimum for this service.
Contracts are special pricing for a group of items that can be attached to Orders. For more information, view the Contracts article Here.
Postage Details
The postage details tab shows information about the Customers postage details, and the customers payment accounts.
The tabs are
- Ghost#: The customers Ghost Mailing Permit Number.
- Mailer ID: The customers USPS account Number.
- Postage Markup: The percentage or dollar amount on which to markup.
- Non Profit Auth#: Non profit Registration Number.
- Cust Reg Id: Customer Registration ID.
- Postage rate markup: How much to markup by.
- Permit Number: The customers permit number.
- Exemption#: The number of the exception
Clicking on the green plus next to some of the fields will take you to a screen where you can enter information for the field.
The payment account tab on the bottom shows accounts on where to pay for postage. Selecting the blue button will allow you to edit it, and the red button removes the account.
The attachments tab works the same as it does in Estimates, with the ability to upload files and images relating to the Company.
Open Estimates and Orders
The Open Estimates and Open Orders tab allows users to access Estimates and Orders that are open for customers.
Estimates with the Disposition of Won and Closed will not display.
Orders with a Closed Date will not display.
The fields on this screen are:
- Estimate#: The number assigned to the estimate by Midnight.
- Project: The name of the Project
- Estimate Date: The date the Estimate was created
- Sales Rep: The Sales representative on the Estimate
- CSR: The CSR on the Estimate
- Quantity: how much was Estimated/Ordered.
- Drop Date: The date the Estimate was dropped.
These two tabs simply provide a view into the current activity for the customer record that is loaded in the CRM screen. When you click on Open Est or Open Orders, you will see a list of active records for the customer. Clicking the Estimate/Order number or Project name will take you to the main details page of that Estimate or Order.
The fields on this screen are largely the same as the Estimates screen, with some minor differences.
This tab shows activities and pending activities for the company. You can schedule activities from this screen, as well as from the History tab. Selecting the view tab will take you to the details tab of that activity, selecting Complete will remove the activity from the Pending tab, and add it to the History tab.
This is the new activity screen. The tabs on this are
- Contact: The contact at the company.
- Activity: The activity that was performed, such as Call, Appointment, email, and a space to enter other activities.
- Description: A description on what was done.
- Estimate: The Estimate the activity was related to.
- Order: The Order the activity was related to.
- Phone: The phone number of the Contact.
- Email: The Email of the contact.
- User: The user who entered the Activity, defaults to the signed in user.
- Date: The date the activity was entered .
- Time: The time the activity was entered.
- Reminder: A reminder for the activity.
- Comments: Notes and comments about the activity.
The History tab shows the history of activities previously entered for the company. As with Pending tabs, you can enter Activities into this screen, but activities entered on Pending that are not completed will not display on the History screen.
The portal tab is where you configure users who can view the client portal. Clicking the check-boxes under the module names will allow those users access into the selected modules of midnight.
Payment Methods
The Payment Methods tab shows the credit cards linked to the company. You can add cards to the company by selecting the green Add Credit Card button.
The Add Credit Card screen.