Update Quantities on a Version Follow
How to update a quantity on a version without having to load it first
When you have an order with multiple versions and you need to update the quantity for a single version, you do not have to access that version to update the quantity. While within the order, click on the Versions tab near the center of the screen.
Locate the version you wish to update. Click the edit option on the far right of the line item.
Enter the new quantity in the qty field and click the Save icon on the far right of the line item.
The system will prompt as to whether prices should update based upon the discounts you have set up. Answer as appropriate for this job.
After you save the change, the system will return you to the Versions tab with the new Expected Quantity showing for that version.
Using this function will quantities for all service and inventory line items that matched the expected quantity for that version. You may still access and make any changes to the details on any version as desired. Be sure to Save & Close when you are finished updating the order.
Note that if you have the version already loaded on your screen, you can also use the Update quantity function (located on the General Info tab) as normal to update that version's quantities.