Global Settings Follow
The Global Settings menu in midnight allows users to configure various options for all of Midnight's modules.
This menu is located in the Admin settings menu, and under the finishing equipment. From here there are 13 tabs for different sections in midnight.
Company Settings
The company settings tab contains fields for changing company Information.
The fields in this screen are:
- Company: The name of the company.
- Name: The full name of the company, this field can be the same as the Company field.
- Code: The code for the company in the system.
- Url: The URL for the company's website.
- Tax Jurisdiction: The Tax Jurisdiction area the company is in.
- Parent Company: The parent company for the selected company. If there is no Parent Company, this field is left blank.
- Address 1,2,3: Addresses the company uses, such as offices, warehouses, etc.
- City: The city the company is based in
- ST/Prov: The state or Province the company is in.
- Zip/Postal: The zip or postal code the company uses:
- Country: The country in which the company is located in.
- Main Phone: The main phone number for the company.
- Fax: The companies fax number.
- Email: The email primarily used by the company.
- Report Logo: The logo used for the company in produced reports.
- System Logo: The logo used for the company in the system.
This tab covers options in the Estimates and Orders module inside of midnight.
The fields here are:
- Auto update CRM info on Copy: An option on whether to automatically update the CRM info when copying.
- Issue tracking Auto email notification: Which email is notified about issue tracking.
- Default all New Customers to Pre-Pay: An option on whether or not to default new customers to Pre-Pay.
- Only Services associated with Customer Pricing can be selected on Estimate or Order: An option
- Enable Contract Pricing: This is a selectable option on whether or not to enable Contract Pricing .
- Only Services associated with Contract Pricing can be selected on Estimate or Order: An option for Contract Pricing
- Display warning message when opening Closed Orders: An option on whether or not to display the warning message when a closed order is opened by a user.
- Lock Order after export to Accounting System: An option to lock orders after it is exported to the accounting system.
- Apply funds to Postage Tax: Whether to apply funds to postage tax in the Estimates and Order module.
- Copy Group Billing Info On Order Copy: On option to copy group billing information when an order is copied.
- Enable Version ID: An option on whether or not to enable the version ID displaying.
- Enable Purchase Estimate/Order copy when Order Copy: A toggleable option on whether to copy the Purchase estimates and Order when a Order is copied.
- Enable Custom Inventory:
- Enable Package Builder:
- Sort Postage grid in Orders by: How the orders are sorted by when in the orders menu. The options here are : OrderVersionPostageID, Postage Affix, Classification, and Date.
- Default Postage Markup: The default percentage or dollar amount of postage markup.
- Postage Accounting Export GLID: The General Ledger ID for Postage Account exports.
- Default Postage amount in apply funds:
- Order Postage Tab Paging: How much records per page to show.
Print/Wide format
The Print/Wide format tab has options for the Print and Wide Format calculators, Pre cutting, and dutch cutting.
Print and Wide Format calculators
- Enable SWF Round Off: This enable rounding up to the nearest dollar in the simple wide format calculator.
- Enable AWF Old Calculation CheckBox: This setting enables the use of the legacy calculation.
- Print Estimate Markup %: The markup percentage for print estimates.
- Add Print Item: Default Service: The default service for adding new print items.
- Print Calculator: Default Spoilage Field: Sets a default value for the spoilage field in the print calculator
- Print Calculator: Price Matching: An option to enable price matching in the Print Calculator.
- Print Calculator: Bleed: Sets a default bled value in the print calculator
- Allow Num Up Edit: Allows the number up field to be manipulated in the imposition tab
- Allow Sig Edit:Allows the Signatures field to be manipulated in the imposition tab
- Allow Parent to Run Edit: Allows the Parent to run to be manipulated in the paper details tab
- Allow Total Plates Edit: Allows the plates field to be manipulated in the run results
- Allow Parent Sheet Edit: Allows the parent sheets field to be manipulated in the run results
- Minimum Markup %: The minimum markup percentage used.
- Ink Coverage Default: The default ink coverage percentage.
- Legacy offset ink calculations: An option to enable Legacy offset ink calculations.
- Sets of: lets the user hide or show the sets of field
- Legacy Print Calculator: An option on whether to use the Legacy Print Calculator.
- Legacy Cutting Calculations: An option on whether or not to use Legacy Cutting Calculations.
- Default Ink Sq/Lb coverage: These are the default options for Square foot per pound of ink coverage. This has options for both coated and Uncoated Ink coverage.
- Dutch Cut: Whether or not Dutch Cut to Dutch Cut.
- Cut Multiple Pieces: An option to cut multiple pieces.
- Center Horizontal: An option to center the paper horizontally.
- Center Vertical: An option to center the paper Vertically.
- Trim Inside Horizontal: Whether to trim inside the horizontal boundary. If selected the field next to it represents how much inches to trim inside by.
- Trim Inside Vertical: Whether to trim inside the vertical boundary, and when selected the field next to it is how many inches to trim inside the paper.
Finish Cutting:
- Dutch Cut: Whether or not to Dutch Cut.
- Cut Multiple Pieces: Whether to cut multiple pieces.
- Center horizontal: Whether to center the paper horizontally.
- Center Vertical: Whether to center the paper vertically.
- Trim Inside Horizontal: Whether to trim inside the horizontal boundary. If selected the field next to it represents how much inches to trim inside by.
- Trim Inside Vertical: Whether to trim inside the vertical boundary, and when selected the field next to it is how many inches to trim inside the paper.
- Grip Top: accounts for the gripper on the top of the print
- Grip Left: accounts for the gripper on the left of the print
- Match Grain: Whether to have Match Grain On or Off.
The PO tab or Purchase Orders tab has color code options for the DJB module.
The fields here are:
- Action: The Edit option allows users to edit the selected PO code. The New option creates a new color code.
- Priority: The priority is a number starting from 1 that designates how important the code is.
- Status: The status of a PO code is what it means.
- Color Code: The color code is the color associated with PO code.
- Active: Whether the PO code is active in the system and displayed in the system.
The Inventory tab has options related to the inventory module in Midnight.
The fields here are:
- Display Inventory subs link on Orders: An option to display inventory sublinks when on the Orders page.
- Inventory Reorder Point Email Notification: Who will be emailed when the inventory reorder point is reached.
- Add CSR Email to Reorder Point Notification: Whether to email a CSR when the inventory reorder point is reached.
- Add SalesRep Email to Reorder Point Notification: Whether to email a Sales Representative when the inventory reorder point is reached.
- Add Inventory Reorder Point Custom Email: An option to add a custom email to be notified when the reorder point is reached.
These fields are options for the Proofing module of Midnight.
The fields here are:
- Show Link in email: An option to show the proof link in the email.
- Remember last proof: Whether to remember the last proof.
- Proof Email Message: The default email message sent when emailing proofs.
These options are for emailing reports from the Reports screen.
The fields here are:
- Default BCC: The default BCC when sending reports.
- Default Email signature: The default email signature when sending reports.
The options here are for both the DJB and Shopfloor DJB modules.
The fields here are:
- Default 'Job in' Status displayed on Dynamic Job Board: The default status displayed on the DJB.
- Calendar View display minutes: The display intervals in the calendar view. This number ranges from 15 to 30.
- Order View Complete Checkbox will enable DroppedShipped Calendar:
- Status to be displayed and their color codes: Displays statuses and color codes used in the DJB module.
- Urgency: This displays urgency levels in the DJB system. The edit button edits the selected color code, while the new button creates a new color code at the top of the list.
ShopFloor DJB
- Refresh time: How often the ShopFloor DJB will refresh in minutes.
- Auto Department Rotate: How often the DJB view will rotate departments in minutes.
- Auto Scroll: Automatically scroll the DJB view,
- Enable DJB Task View Pagination: An option to separate the DJB task view into Pages.
- Scheduled Time Warning Message:
- Timeline View Start Time: What time the timeline view starts from. The numbers range from 0 to 24 representing each hour of the day.
- Timeline View Refresh with todays date:
- Timeline View Auto Refresh Time: How often the Timeline view will automatically refresh.
The system tab has only one setting in it. This settings controls whether or not to have the prompt in your browser show up when exiting a page with unsaved changes.
Custom Links
This tab displays different links in your Midnight system.
The fields here are:
- Link type: The type of link it is, Internal links are within Midnight, while External links are outside of it. The report links are for viewing reports within midnight.
- Link Name: A name to describe the link.
- Module Name: What module the link is for.
- Page name: Another description for the page. The options here depend on the Module name.
- Command: The URL or the command to get the link.
- Sort: A number to sort links by.
- The Blue button edits the selected link while the red X button deletes that link.
Password Rule
The password rule tab sets rules for everyone's passwords in Midnight.
The fields here are:
- Password Expiration: These are optional settings if password expiration is enabled.
- The Password will expire in X days: How many days each password will expire.
- Start notifying the user when X days are remaining: When the system will start notifying users that their password will expire in X days.
- Minimum Password length: The minimum amount of characters for a password to be acceptable in the system.
This tab covers payments from Midnight.
The fields here are:
- Payment Email Default Message: The default email message sent for payments.
- Attach report to payment email: The report to attach when sending payment emails.
- Payment email CC: An email to CC when a payment email is sent.
- Payment email BCC: Who to BCC when a payment email is sent.
- Enable Payments in Orders: An option to enable payments in the orders screen.
- Merchant ID: Print Reach Pay Merchant ID
- ACH Merchant ID: Print Reach Pay ACH ID
- Username: Merchant API user name
- Password: Merchant API Passworrd
- Payment Link: Hosted Payment Page Link
- Webhook URL: Not Editable
These are options for the CRM module in Midnight.
The fields here are:
- New Customer Email notification:
- Add default payment method to all customers: The default method of payment for new customers/
- Default Postage Account for new customers: The default postage account set up for new customers.