Change the Password for a User of the Midnight Customer Portal Follow
Update the password for your customers on their portal
Your customers can have real-time access to data within Midnight using your customer portal. There may be a time when a user forgets their password or needs to reset for other security reasons. Your team has the ability to change the password assigned to a portal user.
To reset the password for a user, go to the CRM module using the tab at the top of the screen by clicking Customer Service and then CRM. On the CRM search screen, search for the customer you have set up for the user. Click on that customer record. Within the CRM record, click on the portal tab (the last tab on the right, in blue ribbon that goes across the center of the screen).
Locate the user who wishes to have their password changed. Click on the update icon. (This is the pencil icon to the right of the line.) The line will open up for editing. Change the password field to the new, desired password.
Click the icon to save the record. Click Save & Close on the customer record. The portal user may now use the new password.