Changing the Sort Order of Line Items within a Departmental tab Follow
Re-ordering services on estimates or orders
Once you’ve created an estimate or an order, you don’t have to redo your work if you realize you wish to change the sort of the line items within a department. Likewise, if you add a new line and want it to be listed above any existing line items, you may change it as well! The Priority column controls the sort order of line items within a department both on screen and on the standard estimate, work order and invoice reports.
Within the different departmental tabs of estimates and orders (where you build your line items), each of the services has a priority column with a sequential number assigned to it as you add new line items.
If you change the sort to reflect the order you with the service to appear, when you save the record (the blue Save button at the top of the estimate/order), the system will re-sort the line items in that order. The screen will update and system reports will reflect the new order of the line items.