Create a BCC for Midnight Emails Follow
Set a default blind carbon copy address for emails from Midnight
When sending emails from Midnight, the system allows you to enter a Blind Carbon Copy recipient in most instances, but as a company, you may wish to set a default Bcc for reports sent from the system to allow better management of those emails and to be able to store the messages outside of Midnight for reference if need be.
You may designate a person or specific email address for the Bcc feature.
To set a default email address to accompany emails sent from Midnight, go to Admin by clicking the gear in the top-right hand corner of the screen. While in Admin, click on General Options within the Admin lists on the left. On the main screen that opens, click on Reports within the blue menu bar. Near the top of the screen, there is a field entitled "Default BCC". Type the email address you wish to use for the carbon copy function and then click the green Save button to save your changes.
When you email reports from Midnight, the BCC that is set up in Midnight will default.