Searching by User-Defined fields Follow
Filtering your search with a User-Defined field
If you have added User-Defined fields to any of the modules, know that your team may use these fields when searching for data in the relevant module. On every search screen, there is a blue button (Extended Search) that includes additional options for searching.
The Extended Search button is also where you will be able to add the user defined field data to your search results. When you want to use that field to filter for specific items, click on the blue Extended Search Button. You will see search fields for the user defined fields.
Click the drop-down to select which field you wish to search by. (On most search screens, you can search by up to three different User-Defined fields you have set up.)
In the Value field to the right, type in your search criteria (the text or data that you want to filter for). (You may include additional fields to filter your search if desired.) When you click Search, the data records that include your criteria will appear within the results, allowing you to access the desired record as normal.
To undo a user-defined field selection, click the Cancel button within the Extended Search section.