Customize a Personalized Signature in Midnight Follow
How to update your Midnight signature
While your company can set a default signature for use in emails from Midnight, you are able to have your own signature for us when you email reports from Midnight. This signature will appear as part of every email, although you can edit it at the time of sending any given email. To set up your Midnight signature, click on Edit Profile which is located under your name at the top of Midnight.
The My Profile screen will open.
Near the bottom of the screen, check the option for Use Personalized Signature instead of the system default signature. If you do not click this, the default signature set up in Admin will be used for your emails, regardless of any other set up. Using the editor, you may set up your signature as desired. You may use HTML to customize the signature if desired. Images can be added if they are hosted online and linked.
You may adopt a signature that matches your outlook or you may use something special for Midnight. Adding a signatures reduced the typing you have to enter on each email and also ensures the recipient has any desired contact info for you. You may have as much or as little detail as appropriate for your signature.
After you enter your signature details, click Save & Close to submit your changes.
Once you set up your signature for use, when you email a report from Midnight, the email will populate with your signature. Before you sent the message, you may enter or change any information for the email as desired.