Orders Follow
Orders can be created from Estimates, or they can be entered directly from the Order Screen. The Orders module is the foundation of many aspects of the system such as scheduling, job costing, issue tracking and billing. The following activities are built around Orders in Midnight:
- Work Orders/Job Tickets
- Invoices
- Scheduling/Dynamic Job Board
- Issue Tracking
- Job Costing
- Sales Analysis
The information that the CSR's input to the order screen is utilized to generate information for the rest of the organization to utilize in delivering a job for a customer.
Order search screen
To work with an existing Order or to create a new Order, select the Orders Tab, which is located next to the estimates screen.
You will be presented with the Order Search screen, which is similar to the Estimate Search screen.
The Order Search screen allows you to type in one or more parameters for searching or you can leave all of the fields blank to access all of the Orders. Once an Order is located you can click on the Order # or Project Name to view it. The following describes the search filter options on the Order Search Screen:
- Order #: Type in one or more characters of the Order Number.
- Project: Type in one or more letters of the Project Name.
- Customer: Type in one or more characters of the Customer Name.
- Order Date: Select a date from the drop-down calendar.
- Sales Rep: Search by Sales Rep.
- CSR: Search by CSR.
- Exp Quantity: Search by an Expected quantity.
- Due date: The date a order is due.
- Close Date: if the extended search option to include closed orders is checked, you can filter by close date.
Extended Search
Along with the column headers for the Order Search, you can also use extended search options by clicking on the Extended Search bar to expand and see additional fields:
- Exp Qty Range: Enter a to and from value to search for orders with an expected quantity within an entered range.
- Order Date Range: Enter a to and from date to search for orders within an entered order date range.
- Due Date Range: Enter a to and from date to search for orders within an entered due date range.
- Close Date Range: Enter a to and from date to search for orders within an entered close date range.
- Status: Select a order status to sort by.
- User Defined Fields: Allows the user to sort by whether the estimate is Active, whether it is on-hold, and whether it is on-hold/non active.
- Thru: Enter dates to search between a time range.
- Version Status: Search using the status of the Orders, such as In Prep, In Design, In Print, etc.
- Value: Search using the value of the Order.
- Estimate Number: enter an estimate number to search for orders exported from an entered estimate number.
- PO Number: Enter a PO number of the order
- Customer Code: Search using the code of a specific customer.
- Parent Company Name: Search using the name of the Parent company to see all orders connected to it.
- Job Progress: Search using the progress of the job.
- Closed Orders: check if you want to include closed orders in the search results.
- Show Versions: check if you want to display a single line for each of the versions on an order.
Creating a new order
You can either create a new order by performing the following functions:
- Exporting an existing estimate to an order
- Copying an existing Order
- Enter a new Order from scratch
The following describes the fields on the New Order.
- Customer: Name of the Company you are providing the order for, select from the drop-down menu or, double-click to create a new customer entry.
- Contact: Point of Contact at the Company.
- Sales Rep: Initials of the Sales Representative.
- CSR: The name of the Customer Service Representative (can be the same as the Sales Rep).
- Company: The company that will carry print the order.
- Project: Name of Project for the Customer. Helpful if you run a large number of projects for one
customer. - PO: The Purchase Order number for a customer.
- Terms: Terms for payment (necessary for exporting to accounting systems).
- Taxable: Check if this customer is taxable (filled in from the Customer information).
- Status: Indicates whether an Order is Active or On-Hold; used for reporting.
- Order Date: Date ordered was created (automatic).
- Data In: Planned Data In Date, Check Box to signify completion.
- Material In: Planned Material In Date, Check Box to signify completion.
- Artwork in: Planned Artwork In Date, Check Box to signify Completion.
- Due Date: The date the order is due.
- Time due: The exact time of day the order is due.
- Shipped date: The date the Order will be Shipped
- Close Date: Date the order was closed, used to trigger orders for invoicing and removing orders off of the Dynamic Job Board. This will also become the invoice date shown on Midnight’s printed invoice.
- Total & Tax: the total of the Order, including Tax.
The tabs in the orders screen are covered in the Order Tabs Article.