Create a Postage Request Follow
Create a Postage Prepay Invoice to request postage for an order
After your data processing team has completed their work on the data file, you may need to request postage monies from the customer. Midnight has a built-in process to allow you to request postage and also alert production that postage should be on the way.
To create a postage request for the customer, go to the order you've created for the customer within the Orders module. Click on Data/Postage tab. On the right hand side of the screen, there is a field labeled “Post $ Reqd”. Enter the amount you will request from the customer in this field. If the order originated as an estimate and there was postage quoted on that estimate, there may already be a value in the field. Know that it can and should be overwritten with the amount you wish to print on the postage request.
After you’ve typed in the amount you are requesting, type in the due date in the "Postage Due" field. This will also print on the standard report. You may also update the postage status drop-down to reflect that you are asking for postage for the job.
To generate the postage request, click on the red Reports button within the order. Scroll down to Postage Prepay Invoice. Double-click the report and your postage request will appear.
You may send this to your client! (The invoice number reflects the order number of the job.)