Order Tabs Follow
This Article details all the Tabs in the Orders Screen.
The Following Tabs are Order Header Level
- General
- Details
- Shipping
- Attachments
- Proofs
- Purchase Orders
- Payments
- Scheduling
- Versions
The Following Tabs are Version Level
- General/Info
- General/Departments
- General/Drops
- General/Postage
- General/Data Postage
- General Inventory
Order Header Level
The General tab contains multiple Header, and Version Level tabs.
Details Tab
The Details tab gives an overview of the order Details.
The main lines on this screen are
- Entered By: The username of the person who entered that order.
- Estimate: # of the Estimate the order was created from.
- Expected Quantity: The Expected Quantity, filled in automatically from the Estimate.
- Ref #: Reference number - If you have Change Job Number turned on in Administration, this will let you override the system-generated order number.
- Copied from Order: The original Order number, If the order was copied
- Ref #: reference number - If you have Change Job Number turned on in Administration, this will let you override the system-generated order number.
- Job Progress: Select the job progress from the drop-down menu.
- Job Priority: Select the job priority from the drop-down menu.
- Job Type: Select the job type from the drop-down menu.
- Job Frequency: Select the job frequency from the drop-down menu.
- Comments: General job comments field – will appear on the Work Order and on the invoice.
Shipping Tab
The Shipping tab on the Orders screen contains information on the Bill-To and Ship-To for the client. This information defaults with the Ship-To and Bill-To addresses in the Customer profile. The Bill-To Address is utilized for invoices and the Ship-To address is utilized for shipping finished goods or leftovers.
Attachments Tab
To attach a file to an order, click on the drop down arrow to select the Attachment type, then select the "Choose file" button to select a file from your computer. Once the file is selected, click the save button at the right side to save that attachment. You can add multiple attachments to one order. The fields on the attachments tab are:
- Document Type – Select from the drop-down menu the type of file or document you are linking to the order.
- File Name: Enter a name for the file or document.
- Choose file: Browse to the location of the file on your network or computer, and select the file. Once file is selected it will be imported into the application and stored inside of the order record.
The Midnight Proofing tool enables users to actively communicate with customers and involve them immediately in the proofing process. Once you select the "Add New Proof" button, you will be redirected to the add new proof screen.
Add new Proof screen
Purchase Orders
Midnight provides your organization with the ability to generate and track Purchase Orders within the Midnight system. Purchase Orders can also be tied to an Order in Midnight providing the ability to review additional items that need to be purchased specific to a job.
To add a new Purchase Order, click the green "Add New PO" Button.
Midnight's Payment tab allows for the payment of postage and Shipping with credit. The payments tab also allows for the collection of payments from the Customer.
The scheduling tab allows for you to schedule the order on the DJB.
Versions tab
The versions tab allows you to build multiple version orders in Midnight. By default, when you begin adding an order, you are adding the first version of the order. If your order is a single version order, you will not have the need to go to the Versions tab. However, if you are breaking your order into multiple versions, then you will add the first version using the main order screen, and then you may add additional versions either from scratch or by copying a previously added version. Versions can be used to create segmented job parts, particularly when it is important to handle different materials or unique instructions on each version. Versions will show up as independent job blocks in the Scheduling and DJB module, and may be tracked as such.
The versions tab is a display of current versions defined for the order, and links to copy those versions, load one of the versions into the screen for editing, and also adding new versions. The display of existing versions shows the following details:
- Version ID: The number ID of the version.
- Version Name: The name of the Version.
- Quantity: The amount of the Ordered Product.
- Svcs & Tax: The amount of the Services and tax for the Order.
- Due Date: The date the Order is due.
- Complete: Indicator for whether or not the Order Version is complete.
- Dropped/Shipped Date: The date the order was Dropped or Shipped.
- Suffix: Version Identifier, starting with 0 and increasing by 1 with each Version added.
- Edit: Edit the Version Details with this button.
- Copy: Duplicate the Version.
- Load: Load the selected version into the main order screen so it can be edited.
- Delete: Delete the version.
Adding new Versions
To add New versions, click on the grey tab in versions, and type in the required information, such as the desired name for the Version. The Version Name in midnight starts with a prefix of V with the version number. Once you have added the Version name, quantity, and due date, click save to add the new Version. Midnight will automatically fill in the rest of the information.
Copying an existing Version
On the versions tab as we outlined previously, there is a Green Copy link next to each version on the order. If you have several duplicate, or at least similar, versions on an order, it may save time to copy one version to another, and simply change the services, inventory items, or instructions that need to be changed for that version.
The process of copying versions will copy over all services and inventory items from the previous version, only replacing the previous quantity with the newly entered quantity for the new version. Postage used details are not copied from one version to the next.
Version Level Tabs
General/Info Tab
The info Tab contains all of the basic information one would need to see at a glance. To view more detailed information, select the Details tab above the info tab.
General/Departments Tab
The department tabs in the General Section are an important part of the Order's section and the number of tabs is dynamic based on your specific needs.
The Department tabs in the orders screen works the same as in the estimates section, with the tabs being
- Priority: Assign a priority to Data
- Service: Service that will be provided.
- Description: Description of Service, automatically filled in from the Service Selection, but can be edited.
- Quantity: Quantity. Unit Price: Automatically filled in from the Service Selection, Volume Pricing, Minimum Pricing, Pricing
- Unit Price: The price per unit.
- Ext. Price: Automatically calculated extended price.
- The tabs at the end are the line item details (Magnifying glass), Copy (Green button), and Delete (Red Square.
Line item details
The Date In and Date Out fields need to be filled in for services/equipment that can be scheduled, so that they appear on the calendar schedule. To access this screen, go into the mailing sub-tab in the general tab, pick a service and then select your service options. When you are done, select the details hyperlink in the view on the options bar.
General/Drops Tab
The Drops tab allows the user to break out the order version into multiple drops if necessary, either different drop dates or drop locations as needed.
General/Postage Tab
The Postage tab allows you to enter the amount of postage used for that job and indicate which postage devices were used, and how much was consumed from each one.
General/Data Postage Tab
The Data/Postage Tab is used for providing necessary details on mailing jobs. It allows you to:
- Enter data processing date and time information
- Enter piece dimension information
- Enter the data processing operator for the job
- Enter an estimated postage amount to invoice the client for postage in advance
- Enter actual amounts for postage and reconcile the postage difference
- Enter comments that will appear on the invoice to the customer
The fields in the Sortation/Postage section include:
- Sort: Sortation of the mailing.
- Geo: Geography of the mailing.
- Type: Type of mailing.
- Cat: Category of mailing.
- Post Affix: Postage of mailing.
- Post$ Reqt: The amount of money required for postage.
- Permit #: Permit number to be used on the mailing.
- Holder: Permit holder’s name.
- Meter #: Meter number to be used in the mailing.
- Post Req: Postage amount required from the customer.
- Postage Due: Date that the postage amount is due from the customer.
- Post Status: Current status of the postage, i.e. on order, in house, etc.
The fields in the Data Processing section include:
- DP In Start: Enter the date that DP is starting on the job.
- DP Out Date: Enter the date that DP was finished with their part of the job.
- DP Out Time: Enter the time that DP is finished with their part of the job.
- PO Drop: Select the Post Office where the mail will be delivered.
- Weight, Thickness, Height, Width: Enter the dimensions of the mail piece.
- Canadian, Foreign, Unmailables: Indicate how to handle these types of records in the dataset.
- DP Initial: Enter the initial of the DP Operator to work on the job.
- Data Checked: Enter the date the data file was initially checked.
- Actual Qty DP: Enter the actual quantity to be mailed after the list(s) are processed
Midnight can help you identify the inventory that is needed to complete a job by entering it and displaying on work orders and other job documentation.
The inventory tab consists of:
- Pr#: The priority of the Item
- Item Code: select the Item Code from the list of the customer’s inventory or global inventory
- Item Name: pulls in the item name
- Item ID: pulls in the item ID
- Description: pulls in with the item description
- Item Type: pulls in the item type
- BUM: The Base unit of Measurement. The EA stands for each.
- UM: The Unit of Measure
- Qty Needed: enter the quantity of the item needed for this version of the order
- On Hand: shows the quantity on hand
- Reserved: shows the quantity that is currently reserved
- SysReserved: The quantity reserved by the System,
- Unit Value: How much the item costs per unit.
- Qty Per Box: How much of the item comes in one box.
- Pulled: The amount of the item that was pulled from the inventory to use on the Job.
- Subs: click on the Sub link to indicate substitute items in case this item runs short